Sean was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is where he started to gain an interest and love for sports.

As a young child Sean was very active. He played basketball, baseball, soccer, and gymnastics. At the age of 10 Sean and his family moved from Pittsburgh, to the gritty city of Youngstown, Ohio. This was a tough time in his life as he was dealing with some personal hardships at a young age, causing him to gain much unhealthy weight.

At Sean’s heaviest he was 200 lbs at 11 years old. When Sean was 12 he started to realize how much of a love he truly had for basketball. He committed himself to the game and to living a healthier lifestyle, losing almost 50 pounds in 1 year, and going from being the most unskilled player on the court, to the top man on the team.

At 15 years old Sean started to play AAU basketball, this is where he met his new coach, Javon Snipes. Coach Snipes, along with Sean’s hardworking parents as great role models, helped to show Sean what true hard work and dedication looked like. They spent many early mornings and late nights together, dedicating themselves to each other, and dedicating themselves to becoming the best version of themselves that they could, on and off of the basketball court. 15 years of age is also when Sean started getting into lifting weights and fitness in general. Initially he started lifting in order to become a better overall basketball player, but it quickly grew into more than that when he realized he truly loved putting in that work.

Over the next few years Sean’s training included a mix of bodybuilding, crossfit, and also some powerlifting. After having a great high school basketball career, Sean was offered a scholarship to play Division 2 basketball at Point Park University, located in the downtown area of his hometown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During Sean’s freshman year of college he lost a significant amount of mass, dropping from 185 lbs down to roughly 158 lbs. This was due to some depression caused by personal issues, not being able to maintain a healthy balance between basketball, school, lifting, and having a social life, and also because of a struggle with Anorexia. After his freshman year at Point Park, Sean decided that it would be overall better for him if he ended his basketball career here.

After making that tough decision and cutting out something he was always so passionate about, he had a lot of free time and also energy to put into something else. This is when Sean really took things up a notch with his fitness career. Fast forward to today. Sean is more motivated to his craft of fitness than ever. He still lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He has recently graduated from college with a Bachelors in Human Biology, and is also in the process of growing an online personal training business.

Along with this, Sean is pursuing some opportunities within modeling, and also keeping an open mind to going to graduate school for something within the medical field. Sean’s dream is to be able to have a career built upon his love for fitness, as well as his love for positively impacting as many people that he can.

He lined out a few personal goals he has for the next few years which include: putting on more mass and competing in his first ever physique competition, growing his online personal training business big enough to where it can be his main job, break into the modeling scene and find a niche that suits him, along with growing his social media presence in order to be able to spread a message of positivity and love to everyone that he can.

Sometime in the future Sean would also like to open and run his own gym, one that will have the best vibes imaginable.